What is the new normality?


I have been reading for weeks about the concept of new normality. What exactly is it?

Imagen de Muhammad Ridha en Pixabay
Imagen de Muhammad Ridha en Pixabay

Through the history, the world has been threatened by diseases around the globe, but for the first time since the influenza flu of 1918 a pandemic that is affecting the whole world appeared, never before have we seeing something like this and we can´t imagine how much the world is connected and disconnected at the same time until this moment.


With just three months of quarantine, people understood that normality was a kind of treasure that was hidden in simple things, in the experience of walking in freedom in the parks and beaches, the possibility to go wherever we want, the action to do things with people we love, kiss, hug, touch. All this, that it was part of a natural way to a relationship with people, is now being reevaluated, for new hygiene rules, that look to minimize contact to prevent any infections. Can we live in this way? Can this be normal?


The incredible thing is that for thousands, even millions of people in the world this normality doesn't exist because they don't have water, don't have access to a minimal education, food, employment, even they don't know the internet exists and this is the normal life for them.


The technologies that we use to work, study or connect with our family, friends, and workers around the world now are not just a media or a fancy dispositive, it's an indispensable element to be productive and present at this moment. 


There are a lot of commercials and campaigns of popular brands that are creating publicity with a big charge of emotional and sensitive messages trying to sell a new way to see the reality, I really think is paradoxical that a pandemic has to come to show us how important is this for everyone but at least is one step.


Some reports show how the quarantine had generated a positive impact on nature, due to deceleration of the most important economies. Enterprises, companies, and tourism had to stop and this caused that the planet could breathe finally. According to Carbon Brief, China reduced 25% of CO2 emissions. The Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service claims that in Italy the NO2 was reduced by 10% and in Barcelona, Spain 40%.


Recently the oceanarium of Valencia, Spain, showed how some species reproduced more because there no were people there. And there are more examples around the world of animals taking the street because humans are inside of their houses. 


I think it could be extreme to talk about a better life without humans, but I think is necessary to rethink our role here, do you like what you do with your environment? Do you respect nature? Do you know the people that live around you? Are you available to help them? A lot of questions… We can start at questioning


So, in an ideal way, a new reality It´s not just be more aseptic, It´s also be more respectful with the environment, understands the impact of our presence on the earth. Recuperate the essential to living in community, know our neighbors, opting for better alternatives of energy, support change initiatives, work with the important, life and love.



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